Tuesday, August 6, 2019


There may not be a lot of pictures to show progress today, but progress was indeed made!

Jim spent time this morning getting all his paperwork together to get the box truck insured and back on the road.  Then he headed out to the insurance agent to work through all that.

He came home for lunch and had to deal with some delivery issues - we've never received the epoxy gun that was supposed to be in our Corian order.  Jim has spent lots of time on this issue and it required lots more today.  But he finally was able to get in contact with FedEx who says that it will be delivered tomorrow.

After that, it was off to the DMV to get plates for the truck.  It was a bit busier than Jim hoped, but we have an amazing DMV here so it went as quickly as possible and everyone there is so nice.

He also stopped at Curtis Lumber on the way home to see what type of cabinet-grade plywood they had.

Once home, he had to put the plates on the truck and make sure all the lights were working.  The license plate light always seems to go out when it sits for awhile, so Jim had to take it apart, clean all the contacts, and put it back together.  Our inspection sticker is actually good until Thursday but Jim will have to get it inspected this week so all the little lights need to be working!

Jim cleared out the few things remaining in the back of the truck and came up with a plan to secure plywood.  Since the truck is operational, we need to use it for a few things before we sell it.  So we headed to Lowe's to pick up plywood for sheathing our dormer.

Well...so much for best laid plans.  We headed out to Lowe's and got about 3-4 miles down the road.  Jim noticed that the truck wasn't behaving right and knew that there was an issue with the brakes.  We pulled over and the right front brake was smoking and was locked up from sitting so long.  Unfortunately, Jim had just cleaned out the back so he had no tools with him.  We waited until things cooled down a bit and then just creeped home with the flashers on and Jim getting out to check periodically.

Jim will take a look at things tomorrow.  He hasn't ordered the door yet, so this could come down to a decision on whether he will.  Always something...

High 82/Low 62 - nice!

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