Sunday, January 31, 2021



So there's cold and then there's really scary cold!  This was the actual temperature this morning!  These temperatures always scare Jim for all the house utilities but we're all safe and comfy inside.

Jim started working on attaching the Formica to the edges of his table saw side table today...

Using the router to trim...

This black is going to look so good! 

Then he glued on the long side and is trimming it...  He wants to wait and get more contact cement before he does the table top just to make sure he doesn't run out in the middle of working on it.

Then it was back to working on lights in the metal shop - 2 attached to the ceiling!

Last one up...

Every time Jim orders these lights, they seem to make them cheaper.  He needs to cut a hole in the end for his conduit to go in - they have a small breakout but it is extremely close to the edge.  Jim used his metal bandsaw and his step bit and was able to enlarge the hole...

You can see how the conduit will fit...

Gluing the conduit pieces on...

Jim spent a long time helping carry dish tubs up and down the stairs and then restocking everything on my cool dish storage rack.  It was time to put the Christmas ones away and get the Depression glassware back out and put in the hutch.  

High 19/Low 3

Saturday, January 30, 2021


Another frigid night - it was -9 when we woke up this morning!  Definitely a two hat day.  Or better yet, an inside day!

We officially have the best FedEx delivery person ever.  Jim was in the metal shop yesterday evening getting ready to work out when he heard some noise outside.  The FedEx driver had walked up the hill carrying the power unit for the car lift - this big box weighs over 60 pounds!  Plus the hill is icy right now which had to make it even more impossible.  Amazing!

Jim worked in the wood shop bathroom this morning, planning out the next phases of finishing.  He made a temporary shelf to move over all our electronic components.  That way, he can finish the area behind the box.

A coat of polyurethane on the bottom of the table saw side table...

In the metal shop, Jim finished up his 4 joists for underneath the steel table and then sorted and stacked all his metal scraps to get them organized and off the floor.

Another view - everything looks so good!  Jim said it was good I got a picture because it won't look so clean and neat for long (although he keeps everything clean and neat!).

Then he started working on attaching the steel furring strips to the bottom of the deck to use to fasten the lights.  He had to figure out best placement, based on where he needs light over his steel table and how he can best get things wired.

High 20/Low -2

Friday, January 29, 2021



We're definitely in a deep freeze.  When I woke up this morning, the actual temperature was -5.  Brr...

Jim worked on figuring out how to finish the wall and access panel area in the wood shop bathroom.  Bottom piece up and metal J-channel attached...

He also had to put blocking behind the steel studs to use when attaching cabinets...

Cutting drywall...

The drywall is all in place now.  Unfortunately, Jim needs more metal J-channel.  They didn't have much at the Drywall Center last time he was there and it wasn't the right size.

Next job was to get ready to paint the gray on the drawer cabinet pieces.  Sanding the primed area...

Bottom panel painted...

Spraying the side panels...

High 14/Low 0

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Today was the car lift delivery day so it was pins and needles waiting.  Jim was told it would be after noon but no more definite time than that.  He asked for a call an hour before but that usually doesn't happen.  But Jim had done all due diligence in planning for getting it off the truck and a couple contingency plans to boot.  He plugged the Bobcat in this morning and then later got the forks on and had it ready to go.

He didn't want to start a big project and then have to stop in the middle but he still got things accomplished.  He got another coat of polyurethane on the MDF...

Then he welded the brackets on another steel beam - here's he's grinding the welds.  

About 2:15, Jim got a call from the driver that he was in Saratoga and heading our way.  Jim told him his concerns:  the lift is very heavy - almost a ton - and it's long and skinny so it can only go in the truck one way.  Jim can use the forks on the Bobcat on the skinny side but that's a lot of weight very far out in front of the Bobcat.  Jim talked to the company about bringing it on a flat bed truck but that would have been an extra $400 plus then it's exposed to the elements along the way.  Thankfully, the lift was loaded so that it was at the end of the truck - Jim had chains ready to attach and pull it to the back of the truck if necessary. The driver was very helpful too which is always a plus.

Getting the forks into the end...

Then bringing it out...


It's out of the truck!  Jim was so impressed with the Bobcat - it did great carrying all the weight even like this!

Once it was down on the ground, Jim was able to maneuver the Bobcat to the side and carry it that way so that the weight was distributed...

Starting the trek up the hill...

The lift is wider than Jim plowed the driveway!

It's up to the carriage house - first big hurdle!

Next, Jim brought it slowly into the auto bay...

We set it down on wood pieces to protect the floor...

Then Jim came in the other garage door...

And set up to maneuver the lift into where it will stay for awhile...

Setting it down on the wood in between the two bays...

Jim was able to maneuver the Bobcat and head out...

Success!  It's all safe and the whole procedure went very smoothly.  Jim always plans things out to cover all issues because you just never know what you'll run into.  But it's here and looks fabulous.  No rush on getting it installed - that will be a whole other challenge for another day!

At the end of the day, Jim did a little more welding and working in the metal shop.

So grateful that all went well with the lift delivery.  The timing couldn't have been any better.  We got 6" of snow Tuesday/Wednesday and now we are headed for scary cold temperatures.  We are under a wind chill advisory for temperatures down to -25!  We'll have a frigid weekend and then more snow is on the say for the beginning of the week.  This was the perfect window of opportunity!  Definitely celebration time tonight!  

High 22/Low 2 - wind chill advisory

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Now that Jim has the polyurethane on the drawer cabinet panels, time to tape off that section so that he can prime the maple fronts...


The first one done and drying...

A coat of primer on the side panels...

Jim cut the MDF to use for his table saw side table and then cut the black Formica for the top and sides...

A coat of polyurethane on the MDF so the contact cement will bind better...

We got 6" of snow from yesterday through this morning, so Jim had to get the Bobcat out and do some snow blowing. 

Tomorrow will be a big day - the car lift is going to be delivered.  Jim spent more time today talking with his sales rep as well as the shipping company.  It's going to be very difficult getting it off the truck, let alone up the hill and into the auto bay.  But one step at a time!

High 29/Low 11 - 6" of snow