Monday, January 4, 2021


We got a couple inches of new snow this morning - everything looked so pretty and white.  The back dormer roof doesn't see much sun and it still had a thick layer of ice underneath the new snow.  Mid-morning, it came crashing down - it was so loud and literally shook the house and rattled the dishes in the hutch!  That was obviously a huge weight up on the roof - good thing Jim built it strong!

In the shop this morning, Jim started assembling the sink base cabinet...

It looks so beautiful!

Jim held the tilt out drawer front up to show me how it will look - I can't wait!

After lunch, Jim headed outside to plow.  Between what fell over the weekend and last night's snow, he wanted to get the driveway as clear as possible.

Once he came in, he was down in the metal shop figuring out how to move his steel table (which probably weighs at least 600 pounds!).  He had bought this huge chain when we had the old Bobcat transported from Ohio so he attached it to the table corners and to his engine hoist...

Then he lifted it up and slowly started moving it over to its new spot...

There is still a lot of tools and things he had to work around but he got it moving in the right direction...

Some final adjustments...

And it's now moved over into where Jim will do all his metal work!  Whew!

I just read online a bit ago that the first UK variant of the Covid virus was diagnosed in Saratoga Springs!  He hasn't traveled so they assume it's in the community.  Scary - hope everyone continues to stay safe!

High 35/Low 24


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