Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Jim did more truck investigation work today.  He wanted to take the bad injector out - this gave him so much grief when he originally did it in Ohio - he broke tools, made special tools to try and get them out, broke those - ended up having to take it to a shop to rebuild them.  So it was a little daunting to think about doing that again.  First he has to relieve the pressure by disconnecting the fuel lines to the injectors.  He was able to get two of the injectors out without too much issue.

The truck mechanic told Jim that he could test the bad injector by swapping it with the one next to it. So he put it back together and then he had to bleed the air out of the fuel line.  Then the battery was dead.  Sigh.  So that required Jim to get the Bobcat out, bring down the generator and the battery charger and charge up the battery.  He'll test the injectors again tomorrow.

In between truck work, Jim was back up on the roof - time to put shingles on!  He first took off the temporary roofing material...

Then marked lines and started putting shingles up!

Working up the roof...

There was lots of cutting - all the pieces next to the step flashing as well as along the hip had to be cut.

He distresses the edges of the shingle with his grinder to make it match the shake appearance of the shingles...

For the hip pieces, Jim could mark them and throw them down so that I could get them - saved him a couple trips up and down the scaffolding.

This side is done as far as Jim can go - he needs to build up the other side to make sure everything will meet perfectly in the middle!  The copper step flashing looks so pretty!

Jim can't reach the hip from his plank, so he brought out his extension ladder to see how well he could reach.  That worked fine - he put up the first hip shingle.  We may have to order more of these shingles - we used up most of our supply on the pole barn.

High 81/Low 60 - beautiful!

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