Saturday, August 17, 2019

8.17.2019 - One Year Anniversary!

Today marks the one year anniversary of us moving into the carriage house!  Time is a strange thing - it's hard to believe it's been a year but, on the other hand, it feels like we've been here forever and I can't even imagine us back in the little apartment!  An anniversary is always better with cake, of course!

A leap ahead...I had the blog all ready to go when we left for church except for the picture of us with the cake.  A thunderstorm came through while we were in church - when we got home a little after 6:00, we had no power.  Our National Grid app said that power would be restored at 7:30, which would be great.  We settled in with a glass of wine.  Then Jim got an alert that power wouldn't come on until 11:30.  At that point, we decided to head into Saratoga for nachos and a beer as opposed to pb&j for our anniversary!  The town was really hopping - amazing to see all that activity downtown and then come home to total peace and quiet.  We had a good time and got home about 10:00.  We took our cake selfie in the dark but power came on about 15 minutes later!  So all was well.

Jim did lots of work besides celebrating today!  He started off by lightly sanding and then putting the final coat of polyurethane on the dormer window.

Then he started working on the copper flashing that will go at the bottom of the dormer...

He's doing this in two pieces because each piece has to wrap around the side of the dormer; doing it all in one would be very difficult.  He first made a practice piece that would go around the corner; once he got the right fit, he duplicated that in the copper...

Back up on the roof, Jim first had to cut the house wrap to the precise point he needs - always being mindful of the way things have to lap over top of the underneath layer to keep water out.

He then cut the roof shingles to the right height and was then able to finish this row...

Wrapping this last shingle around the side...

An extra layer of protection - Zip tape along the seam...

Then he temporarily put the copper flashing into place - looks so pretty!

He took down the flashing and then went back into the workshop to duplicate the piece.  He also made the coupler piece to join the two pieces...

We're off to church!

We set up a trail camera in the backyard to see what kind of wildlife (or possibly Bigfoot) we would capture, so from time to time I may post some interesting pictures.

Here's one of the foxes that we hear in the nighttime...

And one of our many, many turkeys!  Actually, Jim caught an entire turkey parade through the yard.

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