Sunday, August 11, 2019


Jim started out this morning by working in the shop making drip edge for the dormer roof.

First piece made...

Putting the front drip edge on...

Looks good!

Time to cut some underlayment...

Getting it lined up at the bottom on the drip edge...

 Then working from up on the roof...

First piece on...

The top piece has to lap over the sheathing joint and go up on the roof structure, so Jim had to cut and peel back the roofing material...

Then finishing putting the underlayment on...

Underlayment all completed...

Jim had to play Spiderman and walk up the sides of the dormer and then swing up on top - and that asphalt roofing material is slick underfoot.  So he decided to put a toe board on either side.

Finishing up the side flashing...

Attaching the flashing...

Flashing is all done on this roof section!

Whew...glad Jim knows what all this means!  These were his computer drawings - the red markings were what he measured on the actual dormer.  They were within 1/8" of the drawing - no surprise but still pretty crazy for building it up on the roof!

Jim used this drawing to figure out the dimensions of the side pieces.  This was all the sheathing that he had left so he wanted to see if he could get both sides out of this piece.

He was able to make it work, so he started cutting...

Trying out the side piece - perfect fit!

Putting up the other side...  He put enough screws in the sides to hold them in place.

The dormer really looks good from this angle too!

 There was a little time left at the end of the day so we did a little metal detecting, looking for buried treasure.

 We found this old wheel!

And another old shotgun shell.  This is a Winchester cartridge - appears to be late 1800s.  Amazing!

High 77/Low 54 - beautiful!

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