Tuesday, August 8, 2017


The weather forecast called for some possible showers but it was another beautiful day!  However, it was a self-imposed rain day - Jim dedicated the entire day to working on insulation details.
He stuffed the stud with loose insulation in the open cavity on the front wall and then put the fiberglass on.

Stuffing the studs isn't easy - you basically have to try and stuff the loose insulation through the knockout holes for the electric wires in the stud, starting at the bottom and working up, using a piece of Pex to help shove the insulation in place.  But that's easier than stuffing the top - that has to be entirely pushed up into the space.

I helped stuff 4 studs this afternoon - all except the top part which Jim will work on.

Jim concentrated the rest of the day up in the apartment and got lots of details checked off.  The bathroom is pretty much ready to go...

In the kitchen, he got all the light/fan areas stuffed, which requires multiple pieces because of all the wiring.  Then he got the plastic put on top.

He got the living room fan space done as well as put plastic over the fan areas in the bedrooms.

Working on finishing up little details...

 He got all of the area above the closet space stuffed as well as plastic over all the stuffed areas on the ceiling space in the master bedroom.

 He got the details pretty much done around the attic door - this required stuffing the edges, plastic over areas, and then working on the area underneath the door.

Again, one of the worst parts of finishing this area was stuffing loose insulation up inside the stud next to the door.  He got one side done...

...and the fiberglass put over the end.

Jim cleaned up and headed to Home Depot at the end of the day.  Our new drywall lift came in and he went to pick it up - that's exciting!
High 74/Low 52 - gorgeous!

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