Saturday, August 19, 2017


This morning, Jim used the piece of drywall from the window cut out and finished up the wall in the second bedroom.

Then it was back out to work on siding...

Doing some marking...

Jim got the remaining piece of siding underneath the round window so besides some caulking, this is all done.

We're so happy that Kyle came up for a visit this weekend!  Unfortunately, Julia wasn't able to join him but we were glad that Kyle made it up.  He got in about 12:30.

After a tour and some lunch, the first task to accomplish was putting in the window.  This is always a big nerve-wracking for me, so I'm glad that Kyle was here to help! 

Window's all in and Jim is doing final taping...

Boys will be boys, especially playing with toys!  Kyle decided to hitch a ride on the Bobcat...

Jim used the Bobcat to move the bucket - he wanted to put the brick/block saw in its place.  Kyle was able to help Jim move the saw outside.  We'll be cutting tile for our bathrooms soon!

Then it was time to do some drywall!  Jim wanted to try and get some pieces put up in the woodshop bathroom so that we can work on getting tile down.

Before the drywall could go up, Jim had to finish stuffing the very top of the rafters with insulation.

Moving the drywall into the bathroom...

Kind of a tight fit!

But it's up in place!

Starting to fasten it down...

Kyle got to take his turn putting the screws in...

Then we got the next piece cut and marked...

They got it in okay but there was so possible way to get it into the corner because of the truss bar hanging down and the toilet stack - it just wouldn't fit.

So it had to come back out. 

They cut just 4" off the top and tried again...

Yay - success!

Starting to fasten it down...

Before they could do the back piece, Jim had to put a piece of angle on the corner to use to attach the drywall.  He got the piece all cut and ready.  It had been a long day so they came home to relax a bit!

High 79/Low 60

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