Saturday, August 12, 2017


Jim attended to some more siding issues today - including the first piece of small curved siding that goes underneath the porthole window.  This piece is so small that there is no way Jim could put a screw through it without breaking it, so he put tons of caulk and basically glued it.  He taped it to hold it in place until it's completely dry.

Jim did some reorganizing as we start to move into different phases of the building project.  He designated the top of this cabinet to a paint station - he put plywood down to protect the top and fastened one of his paint guns to it.

Of course he did a little insulation - he did the tops of the sections I had stuffed and then was able to put the fiberglass on. 

With the holes he drilled underneath the front windows and on the side of one of them, I was able to stuff loose insulation in those today too.

Just a bit more siding to finish on this side....

Last piece - all that's left is the freeze board.  But Jim has to figure out some special flashing for the top of the hips and the top of the overhang, so the freeze boards will have to wait.

Since the side is about done, time to think about tackling the last side that needs to be shingled.  Unfortunately, there's lots of work that has to be done before we can start.  We have to take this sloped area and make it work to build scaffolding.  Jim started by using the Bobcat to push in some dirt.

Then he did some hand shoveling to keep rocks away from the foundation as well as to build up the low corner.

He brought over the excavator and pushed in more dirt to continue building up this area.

Making good progress...

Jim had to pick out the side to make sure the scaffolding would fit in this area...

You would never know it from looking at the bright blue sky in these pictures, but just as Jim was finished with the site prep and moved all the equipment back, we had a brief shower.  But it was enough to make everything wet - definitely don't want to be tearing down scaffolding when it's wet.

So Jim changed plans and decided to head to Lowe's and Home Depot to pick up supplies for our next adventures!

High 77/Low 60

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