Thursday, August 10, 2017

8.10.2017 - Passed water test and insulation inspection!

This was a HUGE day!  Jim started his morning off by going to the building inspector's office to talk to him about coming out to test the water system.  Unfortunately, he wasn't in so Jim just had to leave a message.  Jerry called back late morning and said he would come around 2:00.

Meanwhile, Jim was busy all morning working on insulation details in the woodshop.  He stuffed the loose insulation in the tops of the studs that I did yesterday - then he was able to put fiberglass on top.  He got insulation all done over the top of the window too.

He took care of little details in the apartment - foaming up the holes around the conduit and Pex tubes in the bathroom and laundry room.

Then he did more work on stuffing insulation around the window frames in the kitchen.

About this time, Jerry showed up.  Jim already had the water lines pressurized at the required 70 psi, so Jerry just took a picture of the gauge.  Since the insulation isn't 100% done, Jim didn't want to ask Jerry to inspect that but Jerry did just what we were hoping and said - insulation is almost done so I'm good with all that!  He took more pictures of the insulation.  Jim had left one valley rafter open to show Jerry how he vented and insulated those - Jerry was impressed.  In fact, that's the only thing he basically said - everything looks great, I wish all my inspections were this easy, you're good to go!  So...drumroll...the next inspection will be the final one for occupancy!  Jerry said he has a list of the things that he requires for occupancy - mostly safety things.  We've got lots of time before we have to worry about that, but Jim will pick it up at some point so that we know the bare minimum we have to do to get occupancy!

Jerry was at our property over 1-1/2 hours - almost all of that time just talking to Jim about all kinds of subjects, none of which had anything to do with our inspection!  Which is great!

After Jerry left and we celebrated with hugs and high fives, it was time to switch gears.  Jim will continue to work on some insulation details in the morning, but a lot of the finish work will wait until drywall installation when he'll go over everything in detail.

There wasn't a whole lot of time left to start something new, so we went back outside to work on the corner siding.  There are lots of details in this little area.  Here Jim is putting the Zip tape over the top of the copper step flashing.

Putting up the first shingle...

All done except for the top row - Jim cut them all and we got them primed. 

At the very end of the day, Jim took the gray paint can out to the back of the carriage house and did more touch up painting.

Very exciting day and huge checkmarks!!

High 81/Low 57 - beautiful!

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