Saturday, December 3, 2016


It's important that we get all of the soffit pieces attached in the apartment so that we can do all the insulation and finishing work up there.  So Jim got busy working on that this morning...

There was one small section left but Jim had to get out his side scaffolding to reach it.

Cutting the soffit to size and predrilling...

All finished!  The entire main structure is all sealed! 

Next, we went to the front of the auto bay to work.  Jim first scraped the top of the bricks for any excess mortar because here the soffit sits on the brick.  (Hmm...kind of scary standing on sawhorses - don't try that at home, kids!)

First step was the fascia board.  This was a really long piece and it's difficult to install - it has to go between the steel backing and the drip edge and it's by design a very tight fit.  I stood on the ladder and held it in place while Jim got it started and worked over until he could take over my side.

Starting to fasten it in place...

Even though we won't get to paint it until spring, Jim wanted to make sure all the screw heads were caulked for protection from the winter elements.

Cutting and predrilling the soffit for the front...

Putting the soffit into place...

Fastening it down...

Sliding the next piece into place...

Finally the last piece on the front.  Jim bought some non-vented soffit to use in areas where the vents would land right at the end where you need to fasten.  This was one of those areas so the last section is plain soffit board.

At the end of the day, we spent some time cleaning up the staging area.  We are going to use the back of the truck as a storage unit over the winter, so we can store all the extra scaffolding parts, wheelbarrows, etc. until spring.

I was surprised when I got to the carriage house this morning that Jim had set up a Christmas tree in the stairwell landing!  This is our first official Christmas tree in NY - there's no good space in the apartment and all our holiday decorations were in storage.  This was the snowman tree that always stood in the foyer - even though it won't have decorations, nice to have a little bit of Christmas cheer in the carriage house!

High 39/Low 25

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