Sunday, December 18, 2016


A very strange weather day - after such a cold, snowy day yesterday, the temperatures climbed to about 40° during the day.  So we were left with a lot of heavy, wet slush - something that typically doesn't happen here in upstate New York.  However, the temperatures started dropping again - our forecast low for tonight is -2° with wind gusts up to 45 mph!  That's a crazy temperature swing!  Plus there are black ice warnings out because of the melted roadway conditions rapidly freezing up as the temperatures drop.

Because of the wet snow conditions, Jim couldn't make it up the driveway when he got to the property this morning.  So he had to spend the rest of the morning plowing out the driveway.

Jim came home for lunch and then we headed out to the property.  We didn't have much time but every little bit of progress adds up!

The next spot we are concentrating on is the bedroom closet walls.  This is going to be an unusual closet because of the roof slope so we want to maximize storage.  We had already decided how far out we wanted the closet to go, so we just had to start by taking measurements, getting the laser level out and marking some lines.

Then we marked the front wall where the dormer roof intersects and Jim marked the spot for the lower wall plate.  Getting ready to glue it down...

Then fastening it to the floor...

That done, Jim had to decide how he wanted to build the wall.  He decided to put blocking between the dormer wall and the rafters to use for attaching.  We got 2 blocks made and installed before it was time to leave to get ready for church.

High 40/Low -2

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