Monday, June 17, 2019


I had a doctor checkup this morning in Saratoga and then did some grocery errands.  Jim was very busy while I was gone!

He assembled the door jamb for the master bedroom closet and attached it.  That was the last door jamb in the apartment so everything looks very clean and finished - no signs of drywall!

Then he started working on the microwave vent.  He had to do some cleanup of the vent pipe coming down from the attic.  That vent has been in that spot for a long time - before we plastered the ceiling. In retrospect, Jim wishes he would have taped it to keep it clean but it's impossible to think of everything (Jim comes pretty close!).  So he cleaned that up and then started taking the reducer piece with the butterfly vent inside....

All taped...

He next had to tape the vent from the microwave to the rectangular vent piece...

The view from inside...

The two ends done now...

With his design and all that work, the connecting pipe is a perfect fit.  He wants to get a collar to attach the top of the straight pipe to the vent so that he can take it out.  He has plans to make a shelf in this cabinet around the vent!

Wow - he builds and cleans up!

In the afternoon, he switched to outside work.  You would never know that it rained all day yesterday - not a puddle or mud in sight.  Jim brought over top soil to put a layer on top of the grading he did in the triangle.

Grading the top soil in...

Once that was done, he wanted to put some grass seed down.

He put a little in the back of the carriage house as well...

Then he used the Bobcat to back drag and get the seed incorporated into the soil...

He used the power sprayer to mist the area...

Looks SO good!

Jim ended the day getting some grass cut.
High 74/Low 56 - beautiful!

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