Saturday, June 1, 2019


This morning, Jim had to attend to a Craigslist sale - well, freebie, but still.  When he emptied out the pole barn, there were 3 good pallets that he had used to keep things off the ground.  He just listed them and someone was coming today to pick them up.  So he had to take them down to the end of the driveway.  Nice to get things cleared out that quickly!

He put the second coat of polyurethane on the shelf edges...

I had to go into Staples to pick up printing and Jim's online Lowe's order.  Jim isn't happy with the primer we got because it gums up when he tries to sand it.  He did some research and I went to a hardware store that sells the kind of primer he wanted to use.

Now that the pole barn is all clear, Jim was able to start moving gravel in...

Of course, what gravel job would be complete without lots of hand shoveling/moving around?

But the gravel is all placed now!  Jim left one corner open - he's going to place some conduit there so that he can bring some basic electricity into the pole barn in the future.

Then he placed gravel in front of the garage and graded it out...  Things are looking great!

 With the little time he had remaining before coming in to shower for church, he did some trimming around the pole barn and side of the house.
High 76/Low 58 - beautiful!

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