Wednesday, June 12, 2019


I certainly enjoyed having my pretty door on my office but Jim took it down today to continue working on it.

He had to figure out the placement for the door handle and then use his hole drill in his drill guide to make sure to keep the hole vertical.  To keep things from splitting, he cut half way through on one side and finished it on the other.

All done...

Then he had to cut the horizontal hole for the latch - again using the guide.  He had to clamp extra wood on the side to act as shoulders to keep the guide level.

Hole is punched through...

Next step is to route out the latch plate...

The completed assembly!

But then he took everything off again and did some more sanding...

Jim has been waiting for the concrete contractor to get back to him; he finally texted this morning.  He's supposed to stop tomorrow afternoon to give us a quote for pouring the concrete.  So Jim wanted to get the conduit into the pole barn to use for electricity at some future point.  He first dug up the stub that was in the yard from way back when we put it in when we were running septic plumbing.

Then do some marking of where he wanted to take the conduit into the barn...

He had brought the excavator down so he started carefully digging a trench...

And of course some hand digging...

Trying out the conduit for size...

At this point, Jim decided that he didn't need the stub of the conduit sticking out of the ground any longer - he has to be very careful when cutting the grass here.  But he did take some measurements in case we need to find it again in the future.  So for that future need - it's 4' from the corner of the pole barn to the end of the conduit; it's 11' from the corner of the pole barn to the run underneath the driveway that goes into the house; and 7' from edge of the septic cover to the stubbed conduit stack.

Once all that was taken care of, he capped it lower...

And filled the hole back in...

Using his reamer on the ends of the conduit to prevent any sharp edges...

Then gluing the pieces together...

All set...

Then he started filling the trench back in...

Which of course involves hand shoveling...

He may throw a bit more dirt against the skirt in this area before concrete but it's all done for now.

The view from inside....

Time for more gravel to fill in the corner...

We shoveled gravel into buckets and Jim filled the hole...

All done and ready for our quote!

Since it was another gorgeous day and we may get some rain tomorrow, we decided to continue on with outside work.  Jim used the rest of the gravel in the bucket to fill in the front area a bit more.

It really looks good!

Next, we went around back to pick up from last fall's rock work.  You can see that Jim had dumped a load of rocks last year for us to use to continue.

Putting some gravel in between...

But we pretty much picked out the bigger rocks and prettier ones we wanted to use back here so we picked up all the rest of the pile in buckets...

And emptied them into the Bobcat bucket.

Then Jim went and got more rocks for us to finish...

We'll still have some touch up to do back here but it's in great shape now.

At the end of the day, Jim worked with the excavator to situate rocks a bit better next to the pole barn (picture to come) and flattened out the driveway from all our machine work lately.

High 73/Low 50 - beautiful!

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