Friday, May 6, 2016


This is an overdue post - and thanks to all of you who touched base with us to make sure all was well since I've missed a few days!  We appreciate you reading and checking in!

Wednesday was another on/off rainy day.  Then Thursday, I had to have a biopsy after my yearly mammogram/ultrasound.  I'm sure it will be fine - I had to have a surgical one last year too.  But it was scheduled for right in the middle of the day - Jim was able to work for maybe two hours in the morning and maybe only an hour or so after we got back from the hospital before we had to leave for a holy day service at church. issues that just have to be dealt with while we're on this building journey!

To catch up on some pictures...Jim's been getting lots of organization done in both shops - he moved and organized our steel that was in the barn.  When we moved out of the barn, we just threw all the steel in a big pile.  Jim got it all organized and contained over where the metal work part of the shop will be.

He also moved his desk over - he has done a lot of electrical work sitting at this desk.

Then, the electric work in the woodworking shop is really going well.  Jim took 2 more circuits over to the back wall.  (Ladder looks nice up on the wall too!)

Still continuing to work on the driveway grading when weather allows...

The UPS man has been a frequent visitor to our apartment this week.  Jim ordered 6 more light fixtures as well as some brake parts for the box truck.  The brake parts were so heavy that the FedEx guy wouldn't bring them up the apartment steps!  Jim had to come home at lunch and load them in the back of his 4Runner.  Plus, Jim liked the sawhorses so well that Kyle & Julia got him for his birthday that he ordered another set - this one a little shorter that he plans on using for a workbench.

Before he came home yesterday, Jim got the shoulder tweaked and installed.

So this afternoon was a lot of tedious work on the shoulder.  Jim had to take off the old drip edge off the front...


Working on the sheathing for the shoulder.  This required a lot of trips up/down the scaffolding to get a perfect fit.

Fastening the sheathing down...

The little end piece of sheathing is on now...

Putting up the fascia backing board...

Yesterday, Jim also picked up 2 more rolls of copper.  Good thing - he had to make drip edge for the front and shoulder.  The drip edge he already has made has the edges hemmed, so that is for the valleys.

Drip edge in hand, planning out the next step!

Fitting the drip edge to the front...

This is the really tedious work - making perfect corners with the drip edge for the baby hip...

End of the day - drip edge is all done and attached - a perfect fit!

High 64/Low 47

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