Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Lots more progress today - very exciting! 

Jim worked in the morning on trying to figure out all the parts and pieces that will go into making up the flashing at the connection of all these roof intersections - that's going to be very complicated!

Then he put up the last piece of valley flashing!

Then it was back to installing shingles...

This is always order to mark a chalk line on the valley flashing, Jim has to climb up to the peak, put a nail to hold the chalk line, then walk back down the roof with only one hand since the chalk line is in the other hand!  Definitely takes Spider Man abilities!

Jim was now able to take the left side of the top roof jack off and move it over to the right side of the roof.

Back to shingles...

Time to open a new pallet of shingles! 

Now that Jim is working mostly on the valley as well as the top course that has to be cut in half, there is lots of cutting to be done.

Getting close!

Almost there...

Yay!  A big thumbs up for being done with this section!  There will be a little more to do at the intersection, but everything else has to be done up to that point.

Somehow, his legs had a little energy left after going up and down the roof all day.  Working at the top means lots and lots of climbing!  The side of the gable roof is the next section to be tackled so Jim did a few preparatory steps.  He had to first take the old drip edge off...

Then bring up the new copper drip edge...

Installing the drip edge...

Figuring out the angle and getting the first piece of shingle on...

End-of-the-day....having such a big section done feels great.  And it looks so amazing!

High 65/Low 44

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