Saturday, May 21, 2016

5.21.2016 - First Ridge Vent!

Almost finished with this side of the roof!

Working on the last pieces by the valley...

A big thumbs-up for finishing this section!!

Of course, that means it's time for the next challenge - figuring out how to do all the flashing at the roof intersections.

Jim had to make flashing to kind of tie all these individual pieces together...turned out great!

Next was time to investigate how to do the ridge vent and ridge shingles.

Laying out the first pieces...

But...a big problem.  The ridge vent is a thick plastic piece that goes on top of the ridge (after cutting out the titanium membrane) and over the top roof shingles....

Then the ridge shingles go on top of that.  However, Jim has to use his hammer for this because it requires longer stainless steel nails than his gun is made for.  Imagine trying to hammer, while sitting on the peak of the roof, through basically three layers of plastic, including the vent which is springy!  Poor Jim smashed his thumb quite a few times and it still wasn't working.

So...Plan B.  He drilled holes on the ridge shingle and that allowed him to be able to hammer through all of the layers.  A little more work but at least it's doable!

Progress pictures....


Almost up to the intersection...Jim took a picture to show how everything is coming together.  You can also see how perfectly the exposure of the shingles matches on both sides because of the way Jim measured and adjusted the top courses as he went.

The next piece added...

Last piece in place!  Jim will have to do a little more work on this when he gets the back part of the roof on and can blend the shingles on top of this area.

While Jim was up on the roof, I painted some more trim boards...

...and more plywood backing pieces that will go on the front to make it stand out a little further.

This day calls for two end-of-the-day pictures...the side is all shingled!

And the first ridge vent and shingles done!

High 69/Low 51

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