Tuesday, May 24, 2016


For what was forecast to be a partially rainy day, we got lots done!

In the morning, Jim did a multitude of different tasks...he moved all the rest of the flooring inside the carriage house.  Now that truck is empty, which will allow Jim to load up some of his woodworking tools and move them upstairs!  That's definitely a job that he will need another man so we'll see how that goes.

Jim also moved some old plywood that we had in the downstairs shop - we took it up to the top of the hill and got it covered up.  It frees up some space in the carriage house and it's not needed right now.

Then Jim got the first trim board for the front gable cut and the cut edges primed.  He wanted to wait until it was dry so that he could then paint it the gray color.  Because the end will go right next to the copper shoulder, Jim wanted it painted a little more elegantly.

So while he was waiting, he got the first piece of plywood backing on the other side of the gable.  The rest will have to wait until we build up scaffolding on this side.

Then he worked on wiring up the last light in the middle bank...

Let there be light!  All of the light fixtures are working in this middle bank now.

Time to paint the cut edges of the trim boards with the gray...

While the gray paint was drying, Jim started taking down the roof jacks on the 2 front sections - he won't be needing those anymore!

Working down the roof...

Almost done...

Wow!  The roof looks SO good with all the roof jacks off.  Plus the roof jewelry and the cooper really pop now.  What a huge block to have checked off!

The paint was dry so time to put up the trim board.  Again, Jim has been really wondering how this whole process would go.  But he has a good system now and is able to get them in place.

Cutting the next two pieces...these are key because they have to meet at the peak so it needs to be a perfect fit.

It's perfect on the ground!

Priming the edges...


We weren't sure we were going to be able to get these up today...there were just a few spits of rain around by this time.  But it seemed to stop so Jim pressed on.  Getting the first piece up and fastened.

Then putting the second piece into place - it was a great fit!

Fastening it into place...

Going back and doing the touch-up painting...

End-of-the-day - the roof is clear and the trim boards really look great!

High 72/Low 52

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