Thursday, September 28, 2023


Jim did some work on the chipper this morning - he ordered a new fan; the old one was cracked and very worn...

In the afternoon, it was back to pavilion work.  He had to carve the end of the middle main rafter...

Done and testing with the jig...

He brought the rafter over to mate it for a test fit - perfect!

Time to carve the shoulders for this rafter pair...

This rafter is different because it comes down on the intersection of a main beam.  Jim didn't want to use as deep of a shoulder pocket cut and compromise the strength of the beam.  So he measured and marked where he wanted to make a smaller cut...

Starting to cut....

Then chisel...

Testing with his jig...

Cutting the shoulder pocket on the opposite side...

Because he made the shoulder pocket smaller, he has to modify the shoulder on the rafters.  Starting to cut...

And chisel...

The newly modified shoulder...

Just to make sure, he brought up the rafter and tested its fit into the pocket - perfect! In the background you can see that he took down the brace he was using and put it between the two existing rafters.  He will use that to hold the middle rafter in place...

Now that he knows his modification works, time to replicate it on the other rafter shoulder....

Bringing the rafter up...

He assembled the rafter pair and then started lifting it into place...


The structure is looking fabulous!

Because the shoulder is narrower, Jim did tandem pegs in this rafter.  He got both ends pegged before cleaning up his equipment and tools, gathering up the old wood we've collected, and took that down to the trash for pickup tomorrow.

High 70.6/Low 42.2 - beautiful!

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