Thursday, October 5, 2017


Today sure started off crazy...note to self...always add water to the oatmeal before you put it in the microwave!  We sure had a smoky mess this morning! 

After Jim got a new breakfast, he headed out to the property.  Unfortunately, he didn't get to stay too long.  I was having a new postage meter installed today and we needed his help on navigating the internet set up at the house.  So he drove back to the apartment and helped get things situated.

When he finally was able to get some work done, he went back to work on making baffles and drilling holes in the stairwell rafters.  I failed to get a picture; however, Jim is always telling me to be careful picking up the hole cutouts because of how razor sharp they are.  This is proof - he dropped one and it embedded itself into the stair tread!

Jim made and attached blocking for the seat backs for the banquette.  This was a bit difficult because he had blocking on the other side for the cabinets.  So he had to make a spacer and basically attach the seat blocking to the back of the cabinet blocking.

Then he put drywall over that wall section!

Once I got out to the property, it was painting time since it was a gorgeous day.  These are the big soffit pieces for the front overhang.

All painted!

Jim also took the opportunity to do some touch up painting in the back...

Back up in the apartment, Jim got the next piece cut for the kitchen wall.  You can see that this piece had two different angles to match with the valley rafters.

A perfect fit so fastening it in place...

Then he got the next wall piece up...looks awesome!

High 70/Low 49 - beautiful!

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