Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Today was the first mostly rainy day that we've had in forever!  So Jim concentrated his time this morning on insulation and stairwell work.  In the stairwell, he had to try and figure out how his new special angle would work for attaching drywall.
Then he spent a long time up in the attic putting more loose insulation around the edges of the roof/wall connections.  At one point, he had to lay on his stomach to reach areas!
As nice as it was to have had this access area into the attic from the living room, it's time to start buttoning things up so Jim put insulation in those ceiling areas.

 Then he was able to put fiberglass in the wall area so that we would be able to work on the ceiling drywall.

Drywall going up over this area...

Getting it all fastened...

Then we were able to do almost a full piece...

Putting the screws in...

Unfortunately, we discovered that we were going to be 2" shy after putting full width pieces on the last row.  Had we known, Jim would have done the drywall differently, but we started the ceiling insulation when Kyle was here to help out.  So it will be Plan B!

Putting the last main row up...

Last time we'll need the lift in the apartment!

Finishing up the last screws...

Plan B for the last 2" section of drywall required Jim to make cleats to go between each of the ceiling joists that he attached to the main piece of drywall...

And then attached the drywall section to the cleat...

The living room ceiling is done!!

High 68/Low 50 - rainy

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