Monday, July 9, 2018


 Today was supposed to be occupancy inspection day, although the inspector had told Jim that he would just be getting back from his vacation and would be busy, so it might get pushed off until tomorrow.  Jim called the office twice today but got no answer.  However, he was on high alert all day wondering if he was going to show up.

But of course he kept busy!  He turned water on in the shower for the first time!  However, since he had just caulked yesterday and wanted to leave it dry, he used a bucket to catch the water.  But it works - very exciting!

Then he put the handles on the shower door.  Again, this is done with very sticky tape so you only get one chance!  But they look fabulous!

Tomorrow, the gas company is supposed to come out to set our tanks and get things hooked up!  So in anticipation of that, he took down the scaffolding that was back here.  Jim confirmed with the gas company today that they were coming tomorrow late morning.  Jim is going to call the building inspector tomorrow and tell him to come in the afternoon.  We definitely don't want them both there at the same time!

Then Jim went back to drywall - he put up two sheets in the stairwell area next to our new wall and door.  This is so exciting - Jim is going to build some shelves in this area so that I can bring all my books to the carriage house from their current home in a climate controlled storage unit! 

Jim remade a new door sill for the bathroom...

Drilling the holes...

Doing some sanding.  He got the stain put on after I left so I'll see it tomorrow!

I had to take my car into the body shop today after a woman backed into me in a parking lot.   It's supposed to take 5 days to repair so they had a rental car there for me.  Unfortunately, the only thing they had was this giant minivan (kind of an oxymoron, I guess!).  Anyone who knows me knows that I like very small cars - this was like driving a tank! 

High 86/Low 60

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