Tuesday, July 3, 2018


It was another busy but very productive day.  This morning, Jim and I had planned on loading up the base cabinet from the dentist's office remodel to use temporarily.  Jim will eventually build all of the cabinets in the kitchen but we need to have something for occupancy.  We were also discussing whether or not it would be worth a trip for me to see if the Habitat Restore had any cheap base cabinets.  Before we left, Jim decided to check out Craigslist.  Just 30 minutes prior to him looking, someone had posted three base cabinets, including the sink cabinet, for free!  Talk about divine intervention!  Jim emailed him and then took off for the property.  The fellow emailed Jim later and said that we could have them.  Jim told him that we would be out at the end of the day - we were thrilled.
Meanwhile, Jim was pressing on with his to-do list.  With the wood we bought at Lowe's last night, Jim finished out the door frame in the metal shop so that the door can be attached more easily. 
Jim hadn't heard back from his drywall rep, so he called him.  Turns out the rep had kind of forgotten about Jim's order but said he would maybe get a pickup truck delivery Thursday.  Time is ticking - Jim has Plan B in mind if that doesn't work.  Drywall is the one thing we really can't pick up in the 4Runner.
Then his next task was back to working on the shower.  After doing some reading up on the shower doors, Jim was ready to tackle that project.  This is a lot of precision work so Jim wants to take his time to make sure everything is done well.
The front track was the first piece.  This can't be mechanically fastened to the base because of leak potential so you have to caulk it in place and then tape it to hold it down while it dries.  Jim is letting it dry overnight.

Then the side piece was next - this is screwed into the blocking that Jim put behind the shower wall so that everything will be very sturdy.  It's looking so good - I'm very excited about all the shower work!

The rep from the gas company was supposed to be out for a site review - he said after 1:00.  So Jim was kind of in a wait mode - it's difficult to start anything that you can't be interrupted plus you're always trying to listen for someone to arrive.  It ended up that he didn't come until 4:00.  But it was a good meeting.  This guy works part time for the gas company and part time as a building inspector.  He was so impressed with all the work Jim had done - including all of the furnace work.  He said he had never seen such a neat system!  Jim was able to talk through the options and we are going to start by renting above-ground tanks so that we can get them hooked up quicker.  We will have two 125 gallon tanks.  Since we will just be using gas to heat hot water at this point, that should take us into fall.  By then, we may decide to buy our own tank and bury it.  At least this way, we have time to think about it and prepare.

So the next step is for the gas rep to fill out paperwork with the co-op we registered with.  Then hopefully next week we will get the tanks delivered and get everything underway - crazy!

By the time he left and we got things closed up and ready to leave, it was close to 5:00.  Jim had taken the measurements of the cabinets and tried to see if he could get all the cabinets plus leave the back seat in so that I could go along. 

It just so happened that this person lived in Sharon Springs (more coincidences?) which is about 65 miles southwest of us.  It was a fun trip through more beautiful country - this is the Mohawk Valley and it's more rolling hills and more farms than we are used to seeing where we are.  The fellow was very nice - these cabinets had been stored in the barn so they definitely need some cleaning.  But two of the cabinets have nice sliding drawers inside - nicer than the cabinets we have in the kitchen in the apartment!  We will be able to get them cleaned up and installed fairly quickly.  Getting a working sink installed in the kitchen along with 8' of counter space is a must for occupancy so this is the perfect solution for us.  We will be able to use these until Jim can make the permanent ones.  Jim's preplanning worked out well - we were surrounded by cabinets but everything fit with no problems!

The side view...

High 89/Low 63

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