Friday, July 6, 2018


While Jim was eating breakfast, he got a phone call from the gas company to go over pricing and options again.  Things are never quite as advertised by the time you add in various miscellaneous charges but going with the co-op seems to be the best deal.  Jim had to set up a billing account too - you save money on every gallon by doing that.  Jim had name requested the guy who came out for the site evaluation to do the installation of the tanks.  Later on during the day, the gas company called back and said Tuesday is the day!
Jim also got a call that the Drywall Center would definitely be delivering our drywall today - huge relief! 
While he was waiting for the delivery, Jim started figuring out a temporary plywood countertop for the kitchen.  Once he did some measuring though, he discovered that the sink we got at the Habitat ReStore is a bit too big for the opening in the cabinet!  Of course, Jim has an idea already in mind on how to get around that.  But he is making a nice front piece for the plywood to avoid any splinters as well as a baby backsplash.


Jim also experimented with our bathroom door sill by adding a red oak stain to the top of the already teak-stained piece.  The color looks great! 

He even found his peg holder and stained the pegs for the sill.

As Jim was eating lunch, the drywall came.  Jim's rep couldn't make it but the guy who boomed in all the drywall for the apartment came - he was very impressed with all the work!  He especially commented on how nice the drywall looked in the woodshop.

Once he had the drywall, Jim got busy working on the wall...drywall's all in place on the front side!

Using the rotozip to cut out around the door frame...


Then Jim's favorite - or not - insulation! 

Gluing the insulation down...

Even stuffing this little area between studs...

All insulated!

Cutting drywall for the other side...

Attaching the drywall...

Putting up the piece over the door...

Then Jim slid the J-channel onto the piece over the door...

Then was able to slip the remaining piece to fit into the J-channel.  Here he's using the block and mallet to seat the screws into the back of the drywall. 

Jim got the last piece cut for the small area on the side of the door - he'll get that up tomorrow and then the drywall is done!  We feel incredibly blessed that they were able to deliver the drywall in time so that Jim could get all this work done.

After a week-long heat wave, today was incredible!  Temperatures in the high 70s, low humidity and a wonderful breeze.  Jim put the screens in the wood shop windows to bring some of that air inside.

Even the apartment was a pleasant surprise to come home to - after being over 90 degrees inside for the last week, the breeze brought in all that cooler air and it feels wonderful in here too.  The lows are supposed to be around 50 degrees tonight - will make for much better sleeping!
High 79/Low 47 - beautiful!

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