Friday, March 23, 2018


I headed out this morning to pick up Jim's order from the plumbing supply company as well as stop at Home Depot to get more primer and grout for the bathroom and laundry room floors.
Jim started his day in the control room as usual.  He got the rest of the return line from the apartment manifold all soldered together.
Then he worked on figuring out the plumbing connection from the water softener to the manifold.  The first part of this run is all glued together.  However, Jim was looking for a 45 degree angle piece and couldn't find one so he'll glue that joint later.

However, looking for that piece of PVC started an avalanche of issues for Jim today.  He said it seemed like everything he started to do required him to look for something.  The biggest issue was that he was looking for flanges that came with the shower base.  He thought they were on the landing - we even discussed them the other day when Jim was explaining things to me.  However, they weren't.  He spent over 2 hours looking for them!  He even thought maybe he had put them in the steel tracks in the shower area and accidentally put drywall over them - he actually considered taking drywall down!  But thankfully, he found them in the attic space over the auto bay.  Whew!  This was one of those things that he couldn't move on until he found them so he was stuck.

 He also spent time looking for plywood - he thought he had enough to piece together the last piece of plywood surrounding the shower enclosure but he didn't.  He eventually decided that he had to go to Lowe's to get plywood and a few things he needed because otherwise he was kind of stuck.

It's amazing - for whatever reason, drywall has more than doubled in price since we bought all of ours for sheathing, plus Jim said the quality is terrible.  Thank goodness we don't need too much right now!

Back at Angel, Jim was determined to be able to get up the other driveway to make bringing the drywall into the shop more doable.  It took him about 8 tries to get up - you can see there is still plenty of wet, heavy snow around!

Drywall is in the building!

Ripping the drywall first...

Then cutting it to size...

Ta da - the back piece is all cut and predrilled.  Jim will finish attaching it tomorrow.

Lots of good stuff accomplished but a frustrating day for Jim - he was really glad to get home!
High 41/Low 25

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