Sunday, March 18, 2018


It was a cold start to the day - it was 7 degrees when I woke up this morning!  But the sun was out in full force all day so it felt warmer!  And spring is just a couple days away!

Jim got the pumps all wired into the control box now - so it's all done!

Being a short day, we decided to spend our time up in the apartment finishing cleaning the sanding dust off the walls.  We first moved all of our plastering tools and supplies out to the stairwell landing - we're done with those for the moment.  Then we started in the master bedroom...

We have a good routine down - Jim reaches all the high parts and I do the low parts.  Then when we are done, Jim uses the push broom to get the majority of the dust swept.

I sweep up all that dust and put it in a 5 gallon pail for emptying.

Master bedroom is all done...

Then we started in the living room...

 Living room is all done now too!

It was just so pretty when I was leaving that I had to take a picture - that blue sky with the pine trees and all that snow!

After I left, Jim had to clean out the heaters - all that dust in the air clogs things up.  Then he started putting receptacles in the second bedroom - amazing to be doing all these finishing touches now!
High 30/Low 6

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