Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Back in the auto bay this morning, Jim continued working on final coats on the wall...

Another coat on the screws...

Then after lunch, he switched to outside work.  Before we can prepare for the next concrete pour, we have to run conduit to the pole barn for the electric.  Thank goodness for the blog - we were able to go back to the post when we buried the conduit under the floor of the pole barn.  In that, I had included measurements we would need for this job, so Jim was able to take those and mark approximate locations...

Moving gravel out of the way...

Then starting to dig with the excavator...

Obviously this has to be done slowly and cautiously so that the machines don't damage buried conduit so that means a lot of hand work with the pick...

And the shovel...

Until Jim found the conduit coming from the pole barn...

Now to find the buried conduit that we ran way back before the pole barn was even a thought!

More hand digging...


Then Jim had to dig out between the two...

More hand digging...

Both pieces are now in sight!

Using the excavator to clear more gravel away....

Back to digging the conduit out so he has room to work...

Now how to connect the two?

Jim went up into the attic of the pole barn to his conduit stash to find parts and pieces to make it work...

Cutting the pipe off at one end...

Then using his heat gun to put a bend in the conduit to make it work...

Next, he had to cut the conduit where he needed to put in the connection...

Trying things out for size...

Starting to glue the pieces together....

Cutting the connecting conduit...

He has to file each connection before gluing so there are no sharp edges that could cause an issue with the wire...

Connection is made and all glued together!

Jim still has some sand left so he filled up the bucket of the Bobcat...

And buried the conduit...

All nicely buried in sand...

Then he got everything filled in - amazing!

High 80/Low 58

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