Saturday, September 12, 2020


 Jim explored his concrete saw cart a lit more - the attachment came with an instruction book (such as they are these days) but the cart itself was missing any paperwork and hardware.  Jim called the local guy and they are having it shipped to him.  He also ordered a guide for it as well. 

Jim spent the rest of the morning getting scaffolding built with safety rails, getting plaster thinned and mixed, and getting all the tools together for our next job - plastering and stomping the ceiling!

He also had to dismantle the garage door tracks because the mounts had to come down from the ceiling.  He braced the two tracks together to keep everything stable while we worked.

First step was to lightly sand the top of the wall because he'll be plastering the edges...

We did a little practicing - plus this was an indication of how dry it was for the laying down the plaster step.

Starting to roll the plaster on.  We had good teamwork - Jim started on one side and as he moved along the ceiling, we switched places and I started stomping the pattern.

Working on the edges...

Making good progress...


Once we were all finished, time for Jim to go back with his big flexible tool and lay the plaster down...

Looking good!

All done!  We're very happy with how it came out.  Now it will dry overnight and we can move on to priming!

Good thing we have an epoxy floor because this is such a messy job!

And there's always a lot of tool clean up with plaster work...

A good day's work - time to watch Mass.

High 67/Low 49 - gorgeous!

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