Sunday, December 9, 2018


The temperature was forecast to be above freezing today so Jim was hoping to do some outside work. may have gotten to 32 degrees for a few seconds at some point, but there was a cold breeze so it certainly never felt remotely warm!  But Jim is determined.

After talking with the Bobcat folks recently, Jim is thinking of testing the market on selling the snowblower.  He learned that these attachments come in high flow and low flow - the one we got is low flow.  We'll see - he's just keeping options open.  However, he needed to get it cleaned up so he could take some pictures.  Unfortunately. the wand on the power sprayer wasn't working so he had to use the hose.

He moved some of the scaffolding inside the barn - it will be so nice to have everything tucked away and out of the weather.

He was trying out one of the gable pieces to see how it would fit - he always cuts them a bit bigger so he can cut down if need be - definitely can't do anything if you cut it too short!  He later brought this one down to do a little tweaking inside.

Tweaking wasn't going to help this bottom corner piece!  The Bobcat was outside and Jim laid the piece on the tracks - then forgot about it when he moved the Bobcat.  Oops!

Thankfully he had enough scrap to cut another piece - he got it all fastened up on the gable.

Jim continues to get calls about the 4Runner - most want to deal on price even though the listing said firm and lots of people don't read the listing and think they are getting a new car for that price.  However, he was contacted by a very respectful fellow who was interested in the car to work on fixing it up with his son.  Of course, seeing as how many hours Jim spent working on cars with the boys, that made us feel like the car was going to a good home.  He showed up right on time (another rarity with Craigslist!) and bought it.  So the first person who saw it, bought it.  Always mixed feelings - we've put a lot of miles on this car! - but glad that there's one less thing for Jim to worry about.

If you peek through the trees, its new owner is driving it away!

Once that transaction was done, we decided to move the package box to its winter home.  As an aside, we actually got an amazon delivery today by our regular mail carrier - she said that during the holidays they do some Sunday deliveries.  Definitely a first for us.

Jim and I carried the box outside and then Jim brought the Bobcat up with its forks...

Then picked it up and drove it down the driveway...

Dropping it off at the end of the driveway...

Jim wasn't sure if the ground was going to be too frozen to pound the stakes in, but he was able to do it.

All done - now we have a way to get packages when the trucks can't make it up the driveway!

High 32/Low 19

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