Thursday, January 4, 2018


The bomb cyclone rolled into town - thankfully, we were spared the heavy snowfalls that fell farther east.  We probably got 3" but it snowed lightly all day.  Jim had planned to go to the Drywall Center at lunchtime to pick up more insulation, but postponed the trip because of the weather. 

Jim installed the piece of drywall in the wood shop that he prepped yesterday as well as got the receptacle working again.

Then he went up to the stairwell landing.  He had already put this piece of drywall in but took it off this morning.  He decided he wanted the stairwell thermostat to go in this location.  That required doing all the work he did yesterday for mounting the thermostat in the wood shop - making a backing board, feeding all the wire, then getting the backing board attached to the drywall before putting the piece of drywall back up.

He got the last piece of drywall cut and placed on the living room side wall...

Then cut and marked the rest of that piece to go on the front wall.

Back down in the wood shop bathroom area, Jim brought the cable wire into this area.  Eventually, Jim will have a shelf at the top of this wall where all the internet/cable boxes will reside.  If you look closely at the hole for the cable wire, you can see the thermostat wire from the stairwell too.

Now, all three thermostat wires - for the apartment, stairwell and woodshop - are down into the utility room.

Next, Jim started working on the furnace air vent.  A PVC collar came attached to the furnace - Jim had to remove that first.

The PVC pipe had to be press fit into the collar - it was easier and safer to take the collar off and get it pressed in place as opposed to trying to bang it in on the furnace.

Figuring out the pipe length - the path to outside is through the stairwell. 

Jim used his jig to cut out the hole...

 Then put the elbow on to take it out of the utility room...

Starting to put together the next set of plumbing - the green piece is to trap any air from the closed system.

High 19/Low -1...2-3" of snow

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