Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Jim had decided that the best channel for the exhaust vent for the furnace would be to come out through the same vertical chase.  However, he ran into space issues and stud location problems.  By moving the wall for the vertical chase out just a few inches, he hopes to be able to make it work.  So he made new upper and lower track this morning and got the wall taken apart and put back together.  For now the studs aren't fastened so he has room to maneuver the vent pipe.

He spent more time pondering the supply manifold layout too.  Sometimes Jim knows too much - he was a bit uncomfortable with copper next to the steel clamps.  Plus, the clamps are a bit too big, even though they for 1" pipe, probably because the copper walls are so thin.  So he first tried wrapping the pipe with tape...  But I don't think this trial will become permanent - he's thinking about using some clear tubing.   He can't proceed onward until he gets the sweep elbow to make sure that everything is in the exact right location.

So this afternoon, we went back to drywall, working in the stairwell.  You can see by this picture another example of how precise Jim is - he cut the angle and then put J-channel on the exposed cut.

Then we brought it upstairs into the stairwell and put it into place...

J-channel installed on the door side...

...and it's time to fasten.  You can see how that angle cut fits perfectly over the stairs...

For the next piece, Jim had to put a piece of blocking to help hold the drywall in place...

This piece was tricky...it had to fit underneath the stair structure...

But it was a perfect fit - Jim is putting some screws in the top portion...

Then finishing up the bottom...

The next piece fit on top of the landing...

We needed just a small piece to finish up the wall...

The view of the wall from the apartment landing...

And from the stairwell entrance...

Jim had just a little bit of time left so he went upstairs in the apartment and did some plastering.  He got the rest of the screws done in the second bedroom and started in the closet.  Good progress happening everywhere!

High 25/Low 20 - couple inches of fine snow

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