Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Jim attended to lots of details today...those things that take so much time and patience!  He fit the freeze board on the front permanently - we'll just have to paint the soffit.  Then he built up a few more courses on the side.

He had to come up with some intricate flashing for the area where the dormer wall meets the roof.  This looks great and should do the job.

Then, he spent lots of time doing the last of the shingles on the dormer wall - they are all done!!  Definitely a cause for celebration.

Jim made some small trim pieces that will go on the west wall...we'll get those painted up tomorrow.

Speaking of painting, today was both an inside and outside paint day which was good.  Tomorrow should use up the rest of this pallet and it will be time to open up the next one.

Our leaves are starting to turn pretty colors...this baby tree in the forest is a gorgeous shade of red.

High 69/Low 44

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