Thursday, October 27, 2016

10.27.2016 - First Snowfall!

It was a cold start to the day with the forecast of much worse to come.  Jim knew that it probably wouldn't be a shingle day so planned accordingly.

His first big task of the day was to go to the building inspector office.  Excuse my rant, but building permits are so unfair if you are building your home by yourself.  I know that's because no one builds a home by themselves like this and they are trying to protect homeowners from unscrupulous contractors but still.  We ran into this same issue in Ohio - but permits are more expensive here.  They want you to renew them every year when, mind you, they have to perform the same number of inspections (footers, concrete, framing, etc.) whether it takes 3 years or 6 months.  Rant aside, Jim had to go renew our building permit.  He also had to reclassify it from strictly a shop to also include the building permit.

But business aside, it was good to reconnect with the building department people.  Every time Jim has to go into the office, he says how amazed he is at the difference between this and the county offices we had to go to in Ohio.  Here, people know your name, are friendly, invite you to sit down and have a chat - besides paying the money, it's a good place to visit!

Jerry hasn't been out in a very long time - Jim scheduled the framing inspection for tomorrow so it will be fun to have him see our progress.

Jim came home for lunch and was doing electric work in between, but early afternoon we took the truck to the roofing company to exchange the trim boards that came in the wrong size.  It was just beginning to snow...that's right...snow!  Jim was upset to see that they were already salting the roads - he wanted to get his work 4Runner on the road before that happened.

When we got back to the property, it was really starting to come down pretty heavy.  The flakes were huge and very wet.

Before I could head back home, I had to dig out my snow scraper!  Plus, it was a very wet snow so the roads were very slippery - I had to turn on my AWD.

It looks like it's almost Christmas instead of almost Halloween!

Jim worked on electric work and some car work, plus he had to get the old calipers all wrapped up so that I can take them to FedEx tomorrow.
Ignore the quality of this picture because it was dark, but it shows a very interesting fact.  Notice the left side of the picture - the roof is all snow covered.  On the right side of the picture, there is no snow on the main roof.  That's because we put the snow guards on the left side - they work!
High 32/Low 32 - 3" of snow!


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