Monday, October 31, 2016


We don't get any trick-or-treaters at the apartment but we got to see quite a few of them on our way home from the property!  Every day is pretty much the same for us so we kind of forgot it was Halloween until we saw them.

Jim went to the Bobcat store first thing this morning.  When he took the door off for the first time, a piece fell and no matter how long we've looked, we haven't been able to find it.  So he broke down and went and got a new piece.  With inclement weather in our future, the door needs to be on.

Once he got back to the property, he did a little more car work while it was warming up.

Then he finally was able to get back outside to work on shingles!  Between rain and snow, there hasn't been any opportunity. 

The first thing Jim wanted to do was to put some safety rails up.  He's going to be building higher and working off the ladder (ugh!) so he wanted to make things as secure as possible.

Safety rails in place, he was able to start putting up shingles.

Getting closer towards the peak...

...and even closer!

Unfortunately, then it was time to raise the platform.  Not an easy task - there are no planks below that Jim can work.  So he worked from one tower to the next to get this plank moved up.

Then he moved up two more planks... order to make a deck-like structure.  This really helped him be able to bridge the two towers in a more secure way since he'll be working off the ladder.

Ha - I think Jim is getting tired of me following him around with the camera!  At least he's a good sport about it!  I was trying to get a picture of how he fixed up the ladder.  He duct taped it together since he was just going to lean it against the house.  Then he duct taped a towel on the top so that the ladder wouldn't mar the shingles.

Quite the different perspective from down below!  Plus, there's basically nothing in the middle section so the deck really helps Jim be able to work more easily.

Marking for the next courses...

Attaching shingles...

These courses may be shorter but they require lots more cutting.  Now that the planks are raised, going in and out of the window has become more difficult too.

End-of-the-day shot...almost to the peak!  The front looks amazing!

Jim used the remainder of the night to tie up some loose ends...a headlight bulb burned out in the newer 4Runner, he used the new part to get the door back on the Bobcat, and he finished putting the brakes together on the other 4Runner.  A little more work and hopefully it will be back on the road!
It was a good day for treats and no tricks to be found - hope it was the same at your house!
High 47/Low 24

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