Saturday, April 2, 2016


Kind of one of those disjointed days - but Jim still manages to get things accomplished!  The weather was on/off rainy for good portions of the day, which always makes it difficult.

Jim got the scaffolding set up and ready to go for the next section that we will put shingles on.

He also did some work on the clip angles - this is a finished piece.  He beveled the edges that will attach to the treads and then had to do some drilling - not easy in this really heavy-gauge steel.  The smaller holes are for attaching to the treads - the top ones are for button welding to the risers.

Jim bent a few more pieces of copper to use as step flashing...

Jim also worked on a prototype flashing that will divert water coming down the stairwell roof/carriage house wall connection away from the siding.

Then it was outside to begin marking lines for shingle placement.

Next, Jim wanted to try and see how the step flashing would work with his diverter - it looks like it will work great!

He decided to hem the edge of the first piece of step flashing to help with water run-off also.

Then he built the diverter piece out of copper.  While he was at it, he made another one for the back stairwell roof.

Then he soldered the angles together to make sure it wouldn't leak.

Both pieces all finished!

Then it was trying the finished product out to make sure it fit.  However, just as we got all of the tools out and got ready to work on shingles, the rain started.  So everything had to be put back away.

 The biggest distraction of the day was a Craig's List sale.  Someone had contacted Jim last night about buying the stainless steel sink we used temporarily in the house in Ohio until we got our final one.  The woman was coming from about 45 minutes away - she called and said she was leaving her house.  Jim set a meeting place at a church parking lot about 10 minutes away from our house.  We got there and then waited.  And waited some more.  She never showed so we eventually left.  Probably 15 minutes after we got back, she called and was at the parking lot.  So he had to leave again and met her.  Thankfully she bought the sink and our older kitchen faucet too, so it wasn't a total waste of time - just a big distraction!
The weather was much cooler today and the rain didn't help.  However, temperatures are supposed to drop even further and the forecast is for some snow tonight.  To make matters worse,  there are high wind warnings out for all day tomorrow too.
High 50/Low 26

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