Saturday, April 16, 2016


Today was all about the shoulder/roof extension on the front.  Besides the physical part of going up and down the scaffolding a hundred times today, this was a mentally-challenging day for Jim.  All of this has to be figured out and then Jim has to come up with a way to make things work.  Definitely not easy.

Jim got all the steelwork done - it had to be done like a miniature roof with clip angles and a hip in the structure.  Then he put the fascia backing on over the entire area.

He put a piece of sheathing on the side attached to the house and then had to figure out how to get sheathing on the rest of it.  The challenge was that it all had to blend seamlessly with the existing roof section and of course function correctly to keep out water.

Sheathing is done!

We've decided to use copper drip edge and flashing on this area so Jim had to take the old drip edge off.

You can see how perfectly all this fits together...

Now it's time to make some drip edge...

Cutting the copper to size...

With the copper, Jim can't "hem" the edges the same way he can with the aluminum.  So he basically has to do that by hand with his hemming tool.

Cutting the copper to work for the outside edge...

Trying the drip edge out...

Before installing the drip edge, Jim wanted to cover the existing screws with membrane so that there is no chemical reaction with the copper.

Attaching the drip edge...

Now the really difficult part - trying to make this hip section out of the copper...

I am totally impressed with how it came out.  I told Jim that it looks like a cap that you would purchase to sit on top...the corner came out perfectly!

Putting more membrane on this area...

End-of-the-day shot...really looks good!

Funny...I had to do a couple errands in Saratoga Springs this morning.  Even though we had such a small amount of snow this winter, there still is a pile in the parking lot!

But no snow around Angel - the weather has been glorious!
High 63/Low 32

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