Saturday, September 5, 2015


Jim got out to the land and got everything set up for a day of sheathing.  He first had to finish the rib on the outside of the window header and put a few more screws in the sheathing we had already up.

Then it was time for another piece...

Next it was house wrap time.  Jim will have to move scaffolding around to do the other side of this wall, so we wanted to get everything done while the scaffolding was in place.  Unfortunately, while we were trying to put the house wrap up, there was enough breeze to make a sail out of the wrap.  Not so great when it's wrapping around Jim as he's standing on the scaffolding so that he couldn't see his feet or know where the end of the platform was.  But we eventually got it in place.

House wrap in place and the first two windows taped.

Then it was time to rearrange scaffolding.

Cutting window into the sheathing piece.

All in place...

Last piece up in this row and Jim is fastening it down!

Time to cut the strapping for this row...

Strapping is all in place!

Now that Jim moved the scaffolding, he can finish up the outside edges on this side of the window header...

This piece gave Jim a little issue (we nicknamed it Oklahoma because of its shape once the window was cut out) - this was the last piece of plywood in the pile and it had a curl to the end of it that made it difficult to get it in the right position.

But he got it and is putting all the screws in...

We had to open up our other stack of plywood - no orange mold in sight!  Jim cut the piece down to the right height on the ground and then was able to just lift the piece up onto the deck.

He cut the window out of it once we placed and marked it...

Fastening this piece down...

Drumroll, please....this is the last piece of sheathing on the back wall! 

Jim still has to put a few screws in the last pieces and we will finish up the house wrap tomorrow - but this back wall is basically done! 

Our first completely built side!

High 81/Low 54

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