Sunday, September 27, 2015


Another beautiful day on Angel! 

Jim got the piece up that he cut yesterday and then it was time for the next piece.   Getting it off the Bobcat...

...and sliding it into place.

Marking chalk lines for screws...

Wow - Jim can touch the top!  It's getting really closed in inside the building.

Time to cut the next piece...

Jim typically likes a piece of sheathing to span at least two rafters - however, on this piece that would mean moving everything over the losing a big piece of plywood.  So he had to cut this tiny triangle of a piece - he was okay with this one because it got fastened down on all sides.

Getting the next piece into position...

At this point, we had planned to take down the first scaffolding tower and move it over to the other side so that Jim could work on that.  However, he tested out just working off the plywood extension on the Bobcat and it worked out fine.  That saved lots of time and energy!

Again, the first row is critical so Jim needed to make sure this piece fit perfectly.

Taking measurements for the next piece...

...and getting it all cut.

The plan was just to get it cut and have it ready for tomorrow but Jim decided to go ahead and put it in place and just get it fastened enough to hold it.

Only 3 more pieces remain!  This side has been physically demanding - it's a steeper grade than the side pieces and Jim really has to work hard to get the pieces in place without them flipping backwards.  Plus, just holding on at this angle makes for a long day.  But when you step back at the end of the day - it's all worth it!

High 69/Low 46

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