Friday, September 4, 2015


Today was forecast to be lower in temperature - around 80 - but it didn't feel like it!  The sun was blazing brightly in the sky and still felt very draining to work in it all day.  We wish we could have poured concrete today but it was still a good day nonetheless.

Jim worked all morning building and assembling the rest of the window framing underneath the headers.  Here's the bathroom window all done....

Working on the pieces for the living room double window.

Because there are two windows in this space, the header had to be 2" bigger to carry the load.  This means that there are two less inches to do the framing underneath.  So Jim had to modify the design.  Installing the first piece of track underneath...

Putting the next tabbed piece on.  You can see the little pieces of steel on each end are much smaller than on the other window frames.

Assembling it all together...

These two pieces of vertical steel take the place of the other small pieces underneath the header plus they will allow Jim to use them as studs to attach sheathing outside and wallboard inside.

The view from the back of the carriage house is pretty amazing - this is a big structure!

In the afternoon, we went back to sheathing.  Cutting out the window...

Then Jim put the strapping on all these sheathing sections...

Time for the first piece in the last row of sheathing!  Since this is a smaller piece, Jim was able to put it in place outside, I traced the window pattern on the inside, and then he was able to cut the window out on the deck.  Much easier, especially since this last row is really high!  The platform is already on the very top of the scaffolding, so being out their with a saw and trying to cut out the window is tough.

All finished...

...and in place! 

After Jim got that piece all fastened down, we did the same thing with the next piece.

Our apartment wall is looking great! 

It looks pretty amazing from this point of view too!

High 81/Low 53

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