Saturday, September 12, 2015


Jim planned on finishing up the house wrap tape now that we have a new roll - it's way too easy to let unfinished things slide.  He did a little bit but because the back side of the structure doesn't see much sunshine, it was still damp from the rain a couple of days ago so he stopped.

It was back to making more ledger board flashing for the front side and then getting it all screwed into place.

Time for sheathing!  We put the piece outside and marked the window and then Jim brought it back inside and cut it out.

All in place and Jim is fastening it down.

Before we could put the next piece of sheathing up, Jim wanted to put another stud next to the already double stud.  A significant portion of the roof load will be concentrated at this point so Jim wanted to reinforce it.  He had to first add track so that he had something to fasten into.

Putting up the top piece of track.

Setting the stud into place.  The stud itself had to be notched in the middle of  the top because the bolt from the trusses was right at that location.

 By connecting all of the studs together like this, they act as one stronger support piece.

Back to sheathing! 

Taking the next piece of sheathing out the window!

Fastening it down...

This piece of sheathing was a little more complicated getting it out the window so Jim decided that once he had it in place, he was leaving it there.  So he cut the window from outside.

Putting the strapping on...

The forecast called for rain in the late afternoon so we decided to use what time we had left to build the scaffolding up another level.  This required taking apart the back tower that Jim used to work on the rafters.

All finished!  We were very blessed with the weather too - it started raining right when my phone app said it would but it was only a very, very light sprinkle for the hour it took to build the scaffolding.  It got a little harder once we were all cleaned up and heading home.

High 74/Low 59

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