Thursday, September 24, 2015


Jim started the day off with an early-morning errand to the roofing supply store.  He needed to pick up another roll of flashing as well as see what type of underlayment for the roof that they had.  There's a new synthetic material that has a much-longer exposure rating that he wanted.  Normally, they would have had to order it but someone had ordered too much and they had a roll in stock. 

Then it was back to the site to get busy.  Jim had to first figure out how to get the Bobcat around the back and in good position to be able to lift the sheathing up to the top of the scaffolding.  This required some grading but he got the Bobcat tucked in the back ready to work.  Then he had to take down the scaffolding from the front and bring it to the back and get it set up there.

Now that he had better access, he had some screws to put in on the bottoms of the rafters.  He also had to put up the steel ledgers to help hold the first sheets of sheathing in place as well as the angle pieces on the hip rafter.

Then it was time for the first piece...

The downside of having the Bobcat stuck in the back is that Jim has to cut all the pieces up in the front of the building and then we have to carry the sheathing back to the Bobcat.  The next piece was a half piece so Jim carried it by himself - he lets me help him with the full sheets.

Getting accurate measurements for these pieces is difficult - for the bigger pieces, Jim puts a piece of cold-formed steel as a guide that he can use to measure.

Putting the next piece in place!

Putting up the next piece of angle on the hip rafter...


Cutting the next angle out front...

...and lifting the piece up....

...and into place.

Fastening it down - once again, all the pieces so far have fit perfectly.  It's amazing how flat the roof is because of the steel rafters.

Once again - good progress at the end of the day!  It looks great!

Today, Jim had some jobs for me.  I think because I sat and stared at him yesterday and was a nervous wreck about him hanging off the roof, he wanted to keep me occupied - ha!
I finished scraping the walls inside of concrete and then took the steel form off the front of both of the garage doors - it looks nice!

Then I had to scrape all the dried cement off the steel pieces so that they can be used again.

I also brought up all the rebar that we had stored near our bricks - it's been out in the elements too long and Jim wants it inside for the winter.  It will take both of us to move it inside so we don't damage any foam along the way but it's all ready to go in front of the structure now.

The other day the light in my car saying the air pressure needed to be checked in my tires was on.  It's sensitive and usually comes on when it's cold, but Jim appeased me and put air in.  However, one of the valve stems was corroded and it totally snapped off.  There goes the air in my tire.  So I'm heading to Sam's Club in the morning to get that fixed.  But it was one more job at the end of the day - taking the tire off and putting it in the truck.

High 73/Low 46

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