Wednesday, September 30, 2015


After so much beautiful weather, it's hard to complain when it rains but at this point in the project, it's hard not to!  It rained on/off most of the day yesterday, but we still managed to get lots done. 

Jim went to the site in the morning and worked on making more drip edge - he now has enough to use for the auto bay roof.

Then in the afternoon, we took a trip down to the barn.  We've got to start moving our stuff out or else we'll be tied in to paying for the entire winter.  The main thing Jim wanted to get was his planer - he needs that to make the garage door frames.

We worked for a few hours and filled the truck up.  The planer was the worst thing - it is extremely heavy and it was like wrestling a bear for Jim to get it on the back of the truck.  Another time that another man's muscles sure would have come in handy. 

By the time we got the truck loaded, stopped at the orchard down the street for some apples and got back to the land, it was dark.  We just left everything on the truck and called it a day.

Unfortunately, the rains kept coming.  Jim used most of the day for project management.  He started out driving to Schenectady to a roofing company there that had some underlayment he was interested in that they didn't have at the company here.  However once he was there, he spent some time talking to one of their roof consultants and he recommended a membrane that goes underneath a metal roof - kind of like an ice guard product for the entire roof.  So Jim ended up getting that, although he's going to do a little more research.

Then he came back to Saratoga and had a meeting with his pro rep at Lowe's.  They had lots to discuss - they went over the roof layout drawing because she's giving him a quote for metal roofing from her supplier.  If you remember, our last quote was close to $20,000 which was totally out of the question.  Hopefully this will be a little closer to budget! 

The other big agenda item was our orange mold issue with the plywood.  She's been working with Georgia Pacific and store/corporate management to come to a solution.  It's still not a done deal because the store manager wasn't there today, but it sounds like we can come to a good resolution on that too.

He also picked up the wood he needs to make the garage door frames.

His next errand for the day was going to the cold-formed steel company to put in our next steel order.  That should be in early next week.

After all that, Jim called me and I headed out to Angel to help unload the truck.

Here's a full carload of supplies for upcoming jobs!

The rainy weather has made inside lakes again, which is quite depressing.  But this too shall pass.  Jim bought a floor squeegee at Lowe's so he was trying it out.  I'll be using it on the upper floor tomorrow along with some bailing, I'm sure.

Then we started tackling the unloading.  We used runners and old plywood to make different platforms to stage everything we brought back.  That way the water can't harm anything.

We worked until it was dark (and had to use our temporary lighting also) and got everything off the truck except for the monster planer.  That will be on tomorrow's agenda.  So even though it was rainy, lots of different tasks got accomplished.
High 59/Low 42 - showery

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