Friday, September 11, 2015


We made a very good call about no concrete today.  Although the day was beautiful, the rain last night created Lake Angel inside and would have dripped down onto the ground slab and ruined the concrete finish. 

Jim went back to work on finishing up details on the rafters.

Then...he spent a lot of time working on their placement.  As he noticed before, because he put the steps on the existing rafters and stood on them while he was placing the new ones, it caused the hip rafter to flex and get a slight bend.  It doesn't take much to make these rafters not fit right because of all their complex angles.  So he basically unscrewed the ones he had on, straightened the hip rafter, and refastened everything.  That's very simplistic for all the work he did but he's extremely happy now with the fit.  Getting the corner done is key.  Plus his design for the side rafters works perfectly now so he knows he can press on.

Working on the other corner.  Now that both corners are done, he will wait to put any more rafters up until he can set up scaffolding in the auto bay and work from underneath.  That way he won't be putting any extra stress on any of the rafters.

All finished!

Jim feels really good about the rafters now - it was a great day for his peace of mind that the design is right.  There still will probably be issues as he moves up the roof, but the corners and the design are set.

Then we decided to switch gears.  We want to work on sheathing the front of the carriage house next.  Jim brought the Bobcat over and worked on grading to allow for scaffolding - no more working on ladders on uneven ground!

All graded out for the scaffolding...

We took down the tower by the auto bay corner and started building up towers all across the front.

Done!  We have enough to get started on sheathing tomorrow.  Moving all the scaffolding wears you out so it's good that it's done at the end of the day and we can start fresh with sheathing tomorrow.

High 77/Low 52

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