Monday, September 30, 2024


The morning was kind of discombobulated - Jim first made some calls to reserve the auger and then the trailer for tomorrow.  But then his phone wouldn't work, showed SOS and would only make emergency calls.  My mom's phone was the same way, but mine was fine.  After doing some investigating, we discovered that Verizon had a huge outage, so while that made us feel better, you do realize that you are dependent on them for some things.  We were just glad Jim was able to make his phone calls and reservations right before.  Service was restored about 6 hours later.

Then around noon, I headed out to go to the store for a few things.  Timing is everything - they were just doing our apron and sides of the road.  So I just came back up. 

I went back out at the end of the day, and everything was done and looked beautiful, including new lines on the road...

The view from the other side.  It's still amazing to us that they do this kind of roadwork when there are two houses on this stretch of the road in the township.  And the roads appeared to be in good condition!

This afternoon, Jim wanted to move a couple more brick blocks.  First as another pallet with stray bricks; thankfully this one stayed together too...

We're about out of room on our gravel and until we get another delivery, Jim is making a temporary stashing point for the bricks.  He flattened out this area and put a tarp down...

Working on the next block...

This was probably the easiest one so far...

Putting it back in the woods...

Trying to fix the next block...

Then loading it up on the forks...

Placing it on the tarp...

Then it was time for more stone wall work.  Jim scooped up a bucketful of rocks from our pile...

And brought them over to the wall...

We had a bunch of stray rocks off to the side that we needed to move so that Jim could work on this part of the wall, so he brought the Bobcat up the incline and scooted them out of the way.

Then he brought the excavator up - the incline may not look like much in the picture, but it's scary to watch these big machines go up hills!

Moving some rocks to get closer...

Scraping for the base trench...

Then placing some big rocks...

You can see the original base rocks of the wall - it's huge!  It makes us feel good that we are restoring it.

Moving some rocks...

End-of-the-day picture...definitely looking good!

High 70.9/Low 52.8 - beautiful!

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