Sunday, September 22, 2024



Wish we could slow down time a bit, but Fall is our favorite season, so we'll definitely enjoy it!  The leaves are starting to change and the temperatures are going to be going down as well.

Jim got tools and equipment ready, and after lunch we headed outside to work on gravel.  First job was to spread the gravel in the pavilion area to get it level and ready for concrete.  Jim put wood extensions on the forms to get them to the right depth...

Last form extension on the back...

Putting stakes in to hold everything in place...

Starting to spread gravel...

Once enough was spread, Jim went up to our pile to get a piece of steel to use as a level guide...

Using his concrete depth blocks, he set up the guide...

Bringing in more gravel...

I cleaned up the front of the pavilion area and then Jim brought up gravel for that area...

Spreading it...

More gravel behind the forms...

Continuing around the pavilion, spreading gravel, getting everything to the right height...

Scooping out extra gravel...

Done!  I'm sure there will be tweaking, but everything is flat and to the right level for concrete.  Looks great!

Once that job was done, Jim worked on spreading the rest of the gravel.  He took some back into the woods where we are going to move our brick stash...

No more piles of gravel - just a driveway!

High 74.1/Low 51 - lovely first day of fall!

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