Tuesday, September 24, 2024


As promised, the township started repaving our little section of road today.  Jim got to talk to the guys working because he left for a doctor appointment right when they were at the end of our driveway.  They will come back tomorrow to finish. 

View from the other side (love the way the trees are along the road in front of our house!)

When I was out yesterday, I picked up some semi-transparent colored (Cottage Gray) stain to use on the pavilion posts to protect them from weather.  Jim tried out a sample on some scrap wood...

Starting to roll it on the posts...

Lots of edges and hand painting...

We took a look from the grass area to see how we liked it - and we really do!

Working on the complicated corner...

And the other corner...

Looking good!

Back side all done and moving to the front corner...

Working on last post!

Gorgeous!  It really looks finished now - can't wait to see a concrete floor too!

High 69.9/Low 46.8 - lovely

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