Thursday, September 5, 2024


Another gorgeous day, so we were back outside playing in the woods!  There's a few more trees that need to come down - couple of striped maples that we don't particularly like as well as a few dead things...



Another one coming down...

I marked cutting lines and then Jim got busy cutting the trunks into logs...

We loaded the logs into the bucket to be put in our to be split pile...

We have amassed two big piles of chipping - one in the front of this picture and one in the rear.  A lot of the rear pile was just dead branches on the ground and cleanup of fallen trees.

Jim dug up the stumps...

There was another stump that Jim wanted to get out but it was challenging.  The roots were intertwined with another tree and it just didn't want to budget...

After loosening everything with the excavator, the Bobcat was able to push it...

Then he could use the excavator again to pull it out...

Yikes!  We took this bucketful of stumps back into the deep woods.

Then Jim did more grading - pictures to come!  

We decided to go to The Local tonight so we are going to be heading out soon.

High 79.1/Low 50.2 - beautiful!

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