Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 This morning, Jim put the outlets on the side wall of the stairwell...

Then he got back to painting the remaining area in the stairwell...

Yay - insert much happy dancing because the stairwell drywall, plastering, sanding, painting job is done!

It looks so good everywhere!

One of the things on our Home Depot list last night was trim rings for our canned lights in the stairwell.  It's crazy, but they don't even sell them there any longer!  All the lights are now self contained with LED bulbs.  We found some we liked so we got the three for the main lobby of the stairwell.  Jim got them installed today - they look great, nice and clean, and they are so bright which is nice for that area.

Taking off the tape around the door...

I got all of my Depression glass put in bags and then into tubs and Jim carried all of them down to the dish storage shelf.  Then he did some organizing - this whole area really looks fabulous and things we want are very accessible now.

Now that the painting job is done, Jim was able to turn his attention to something else - pole barn electric.  He had to drill out the knockout hole in the bottom of the box as well as through the side of the steel stud.  Then he attached flexible conduit...

He fed the wires from the conduit in the floor through the flexible conduit.  Then he figured out exactly how much he needed to wire things up in the box and he wanted to pull the rest back into the pole barn.  Using our phones as walkie-talkies again, he pulled a couple feet of the wire back while I guided it and stopped where he had marked the spot with tape.

Now that the stairwell walls are painted, Jim brought our multi-holiday tree back into the stairwell and I started stringing lights.  The last string only half lit, so while Jim was in the pole barn, he went up in the attic in the Christmas storage boxes and brought down a couple more boxes.  Now our stairwell looks ready for Christmas with its pretty walls!

High 35/Low 19 - dusting of snow

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