Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Jim worked on more stair work this morning - making and installing risers.  This will be the most difficult of the runs to do - Jim literally had to lie on his back to work.

All finished except the bottom one, which Jim is going to do a little differently.

Check out the cool new ladder Jim picked up yesterday at Lowe's.  This will be our indoor ladder - it has big rubber feet that won't mess up our gorgeous floors!

Jim was then able to go up in the attic and retrieve some of our window screens!

We tried the first one out in the bathroom - looks good!  (Nice view!)

Jim spent a big chunk of his time today working on modifying the handrails on the stairs.  He had to temporarily fasten this long section on so he could figure out how long he needed it to be.

This is the complicated part that he made to basically connect the two handrails together to satisfy the inspector.  He'll continue working on this - I at first told Jim I wanted him to go back to the way they were after inspection but this is looking very cool so I may change my mind!

He spent the last part of the day working on more flooring - our eating nook is now finished!

So far, the gas line is holding pressure which is fabulous news.  Jim will do some more testing tomorrow.

We have amassed a small mountain of bubble wrap from the baseboard heaters.  I used to drop it off at the UPS stores but they won't accept it any more because of possible liability (liability?  from bubble wrap?).  But we hate throwing things in the landfill so Jim put a free ad on Craigslist and someone who owned a small business came and picked it up this afternoon.

High 77/Low 52  - beautiful!

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